"It is pretty obvious that fear manifests in the mind of people. Fear has a stronger influence on some people than others. On the other hand, there are some people who no longer perceive fear because they have learned to control their emotions in a specific way that doesn’t allow fear to be formed in their minds. Those who have learnt to leave without fear have the ability to easily and happily create a world of their own.


Fear cannot be seen or touched, it cannot be weighed or measured, it has no form, smell, color or taste.

Fear is just a collection of your unconfirmed thoughts, guesses and inflated imagination, which you yourself have created in your imagination and in which you yourself believe. As a result of this, you make many mistakes.


It is well known that Man needs his body to exist in this World. This implies that your BODY needs to be protected. IF YOUR BODY is not exposed to any form of risk or threat, thinking logically and comparing all actual circumstances you would observe that there is actually no reason to be afraid of anything. You need to forget about your imagined fears and then you will be able not only to manage any situation, but also have peace of mind and achieve you goals and aims easily".

Artur Kirsner



in a way that it becomes

Artur Kirsner


This book of "APKREITTR" inspired me and improved my logical thinking. I am very glad that I have this book, and I really want to read and buy all the other parts of APKREITTR in order to improve myself even more. Thank you for the book.
Anna Ermakov, 67 years
This remarkable book has taught me to think and rethink my life. The book teaches you to correctly assess life situations and act wisely. Following these wisdoms, I felt that it became easier for me to live and breathe. Thank the author for his wisdom.
Charles Patrick
Never have I observed so much truth put together on one place. Arthur’s words have really sharpened my way of thinking and view of the world. How I wish this website would go round the world for everyone to see, read and also have the same feeling and rightful way of thinking that I have achieved.
Mohamed, 23 years
A very good book. Thank you.
Tatyana Ivanova, 24 years
This book has given me the strength to live, my life became saturated with meaning. It answered all my life's questions. I have realized that one can live without errors and even enjoy life always. And even now, 2 years later I read the book and it just inspires me and gives me strength for new achievements in life.
Zela G., 28 years
With each time of reading this book of APKREITTR "Awakening of Reason" a new world is opens for me with the help of which I learn a lot for myself. This book has helped me very much in understanding my life. I have become better at understanding people, learned a lot about how to be emotionally relaxed and relate to the world around me. I have also learned to find solutions to my previously existing situations.
Olu Roberts, 59 years
Interesting and educative.
Emma, 70 years
Thank you for getting to know the wonderful book. Very useful in the modern world. Very wise book! I'm for it to be taught in school.
Ballah Samuka
You good to go Arthur, God will surely reward you as u help the needed.