"Before you argue, yell, curse, slander or threaten anyone, always think first of:
“What do I intent to gain from it?”
“What next comes after it?”
The more you are in dispute with others, the more you increase the chances of quarrels. Your quarrels could lead to such consequences as resentment, hatred and the acquisition of enemies.
It is a well-known fact that resentment and hatred could lead to physical clashes, in other words fight. Fights lead only to such things as physical injury, isolation and possible loss of life.
The more you understand that each person is unique in his consciousness and thinking, and that each person has his own understanding of life, the more you create the prerequisite for a peaceful dialogue. It is also likely that they will in future want to communicate and even be friends with you".
Artur Kirsner
because thoughts
is formed only from those knowledge
which a person gets throughout his lifetime.
Realizing and understanding this TRUTH,
you will cease to argue and be at enmity
with anyone forever.
Which means that you will not be able
to create enemies for yourself."
Artur Kirsner
"When people fight, it does not express their level of strength or boldness because every living creature on earth can fight. Be it mammals, birds, and even bugs and ants.
Fights between people is one of the most dangerous and risky ways of resolving any conflicting situation. It leads people not only to undesirable results, such as mutilation, pain and injuries but also to irreparable consequences, such as loss of Human life.
Taking the life of another person means destroying your kind,
which IMPLIES destrUCTION OF the human race.
When people fight, curse, argue or insult each other, it shows that they have a very weak logical thinking ability and lack ability to freely use words required for peaceful dialogue with each other".
Artur Kirsner
“A Man is termed as strong-willed and wise
only when his physical strength is
under the control of his mental strength".Artur Kirsner