Read to understand how your thoughts are sometimes formed.


"First learn to understand how your thoughts are being formed and how you can control them, so that YOU WOULD ALWAYS BE ABLE TO APPLY YOUR KNOWLEDGE APPROPRIATELY WHILST EFFECTIVELY UTILIZING REASONABLE CONSIDERATIONS.

EGOtism is the most invisible and sly enemy of humanity, that can appear in the area of formation of your thoughts, making you believe that it is a part of you, thus forcing you to submit to it so that it can create a different life path for you.

Imitating the HUMAN MIND, EGOtism begins to create changes in the workings of your thoughts itself. In other words, EGOtism makes a Human think already without making reasonable adequate considerations, forcing the person to overlook proper judgment. This means the person will begin to think differently and he begins to change his perceptions of his surrounding world. As a result, hostile actions and unkind feelings (malice, hatred, greed, envy, jealousy, pride, lie, fear) become primary perceptions and actions. At the same time, abilities for reasoning reasonably with good intentions, good actions and with kindful feelings (respect, love, understanding) become secondary perceptions and actions.

As EGOtism substitutes pure RATIONAL consciousness and regulates all of Man’s actions, EGOtism begins to blend into the human thought and leads Man to make mistakes. As life-related mistakes are made, Man begins to get nervous and discomforted. These in turn weakens the human immune system and reduces the Man’s life expectancy. Depending on the situation, mistakes made could bring about consequences such as disappointment, anger, hatred, sadness, depression, fear and/or tears.

After creating new illusions in Man’s thought, EGOtism makes Man praise himself and talk about his achievements or superiority over other people. With the onset of PRIDE, Man ceases to notice that while he elevates himself in the eyes of other people, he loses his true friends and is surrounded only by sycophants.

On introducing FEAR into a Man’s thoughts, EGOtism makes Man believe that white lies are better than sincerity and truthfulness. But.. lies cannot be beneficial because lying to your parents, relatives and friends means to hide facts from them, and hiding facts from them, means to neglect the trust of your loved ones in you, and this means disrespect and betrayal towards those who love you and believe in you. Additionally, the person does not observe that he is beginning to limit his freedom. The person begins to be afraid that his lies will be exposed. If exposed he may lose the respect of other people towards him and in exchange, he gets mistrust. To other people he can become the enemy.

Further convincing Man to believe that it is impossible for anyone to live without deceit and lies, EGOtism bears a stronger hold on Man. Man then begins to suspect everyone and everything, even in the absence of reasons or facts for this. Initial negative thinking instances begin to manifest in Man. In other words, Man starts to initially suspect everyone, thinking that he might be deceived or used in the interests of others, even if there is no ground or reason for doing so. Proceeding from negative thoughts, Man begins to be JEALOUS of people around him. It is worth reminding us that jealousy leads not only to scandals and fights, but also to the loss of loved ones.

It is well known that neither material things nor material values can give Man a new flesh and body, but after EGOtism generates ENVY and GREED in Man, it leads Man to believe that it is necessary to live only for the sake of money, material things, status and other tangible assets while Man neglects, risks and sacrifices his own flesh and body to achieve them.

While making man succumb to the feeling of self-greatness, EGOtism convinces Man to believe that he is smart, wise, cunning and that is he is already aware of everything about life. Then the man stops listening to the opinions of wise people and stops learning useful and good knowledge of life. Subsequently, he continues making multiple life mistakes, acquiring enemies and can end up in a life of loneliness.

Finally, after analyzing the mistakes made, EGOtism makes Man transfer the blame to other people or to a set of circumstances in order to constantly instill in himself the hope and belief that he is innocent and righteous. This further makes Man oblivious to the fact that all the mistakes and misdeeds occurring in his life are the result of his EGOtistic unreasonable actions.

You are so used to your EGOtism, that you continue to live with it and trust it, thereby ceasing to be in charge of your Mind and personality. Apart from controlling and preventing you from living a proper and fulfilled life, EGOtism also makes you its slave. EGOtism not only encourages you to make many mistakes, but it also makes you pay for them. Sooner or later this brings you pain, sadness, anger, hatred and disappointment in life.

EGOtism is the most intimate, invisible and cunning enemy of man, which can be neither seen nor touched. Imitating and adapting to The Man’s mind, EGOtism would do everything possible to make you believe that it is in itself you.

Even at this very moment as you read these lines, EGOtism is trying to make you eventually with time forget everything that you have just read about it and also about how it leads you to illogical and unreasonable actions. These would further lead only to quarrels, deceit, treachery, envy, hatred, loss of loved ones, loneliness and/or self-destruction.


However, EGOtism can be identified and gotten rid of before it engulfs you in itself.
To achieve this, you must pause to think and identify WHO YOU ARE and
find out if it is the real you or EGOtism creating your thoughts.



 EGOtism consists of anger and conflict, insults and aggression,
arguments and fights, offence and hatred, destruction and annihilation.


The MIND tends to find SOLUTIONS, ALTERNATIVES and WAYS out of
any existing situations with favorable results for everyone.

This means that:

It is better to forgive and forget than to hate.

It is better to confirm than to suspect.

It is better to tell the truth than to lie.

It is better to be faithful than to betray.

It is better to love than to be jealous.

It is better to negotiate than being scandalous.

It is better to make peace than to fight.

It is better to be happy for someone than to envy.

It is better to smile than to be sad.





"Man is not born to express anger, abuse, quarrel,

be at enmity, destroy and eliminate his own kind.



for one to live a long and happy life.

Meaning that Man has to always maintain his flesh

in a good state of health and create favorable conditions

for living together with other people

and continuation of the human kind."

Artur Kirsner



If you have just read about EGOtism for the first time, then it is important to know that reading it once is not enough for you to totally get rid of your EGOtistic thoughts.
It is better you read this material periodically, and then with time you will then begin to understand how to drive your EMOTIONS and ACTIONS towards making a happy life.


This book of "APKREITTR" inspired me and improved my logical thinking. I am very glad that I have this book, and I really want to read and buy all the other parts of APKREITTR in order to improve myself even more. Thank you for the book.
Anna Ermakov, 67 years
This remarkable book has taught me to think and rethink my life. The book teaches you to correctly assess life situations and act wisely. Following these wisdoms, I felt that it became easier for me to live and breathe. Thank the author for his wisdom.
Charles Patrick
Never have I observed so much truth put together on one place. Arthur’s words have really sharpened my way of thinking and view of the world. How I wish this website would go round the world for everyone to see, read and also have the same feeling and rightful way of thinking that I have achieved.
Mohamed, 23 years
A very good book. Thank you.
Tatyana Ivanova, 24 years
This book has given me the strength to live, my life became saturated with meaning. It answered all my life's questions. I have realized that one can live without errors and even enjoy life always. And even now, 2 years later I read the book and it just inspires me and gives me strength for new achievements in life.
Zela G., 28 years
With each time of reading this book of APKREITTR "Awakening of Reason" a new world is opens for me with the help of which I learn a lot for myself. This book has helped me very much in understanding my life. I have become better at understanding people, learned a lot about how to be emotionally relaxed and relate to the world around me. I have also learned to find solutions to my previously existing situations.
Olu Roberts, 59 years
Interesting and educative.
Emma, 70 years
Thank you for getting to know the wonderful book. Very useful in the modern world. Very wise book! I'm for it to be taught in school.
Ballah Samuka
You good to go Arthur, God will surely reward you as u help the needed.